Full-time / Part-time - All Bay Area

“I pride myself on being a team player with no task too large or small. I have a proven track record of developing systems and establishing structures that allow children to be and feel successful and ensure that their academic, social, and emotional development is where it ‘needs’ to be. I believe in building genuine and wholesome relationships that more comfortably foster learning and education fun.”


Neighborhood/Area: Flexible to move near my next position

Experience: 8 years as a private nanny, 4 years as a Family Asst / House Manager, 10 years as an educator

Compensation: $40-$50 / hr

Preferred Schedule: Flexible, it’s all about collaboration for me!

Born and raised in the Midwest, a rural town in Ohio, I was brought up with an all-hands-on-deck mentality. If there was one thing that my mother drilled into me and my two brothers as children, it was to ‘see work.’ Both of my parents were very hard-working, and thus they would also ask that we ‘see work to do’ and not wait to be told to do things. While this may not have been appreciated at the time, it set me up for success in college and beyond. While raised in the country, I am definitely a city person at heart, as I moved to NC for college on an athletic scholarship, followed by New York City, Las Vegas, and Miami (just to name a few). I live a very active lifestyle and enjoy being busy; while I like nice things, I have no problem working for the ability to have the things I enjoy, such as traveling, shows and concerts, nice coffee, and spending time with friends, family, or meeting new people. While I am a very outgoing person and have no problem with socialization, I also enjoy my quiet time and always respect others' space and privacy. Respect is one of the biggest pillars of my core being; to always respect others and work to be rightfully respected. Leaving a positive footprint on this Earth is my ultimate goal, and my motto is “Better Every Day!”


I believe... adults need to foster 'MIRRORS', 'WINDOWS' and 'RIGOR' to ensure children receive the exposure and knowledge they deserve and need.

I believe... in the motto, 'Cause No Pain'; physical pain, psychological pain, emotional pain ... just don't cause pain.

I believe... that RESPECT, HONESTY, and INTEGRITY are three core principals I live by.


I have taken it upon myself to develop systems and structures that I feel would be beneficial for the children and/or family. I then developed digital documents and algorithms that allowed the documents to be manipulated on a daily basis to track the progress and/or completion of various things visually. This includes a Behavioral Tracking System that collected data on three goals each month, which were discussed and established collaboratively between myself and each individual child. The Academic Accountability Tracker was also a huge help and success, as it allowed for fruitful end-of-week conversations with the children, where they could input their academic data for the week and the algorithm would then allow them to see a color/visual representation of the previous week, so that we could set reasonable and applicable goals for the week ahead. There were also trackers that helped manage inventory, the completion of projects/tasks, and perhaps my personal favorite accomplishment being the Caretaker Evaluation, which takes a self-evaluation, the principals evaluation, and the children(s) evaluations, and combines them into a final 'score' to allow for the most constructive, data-based, growth-mindset evaluation conversation as possible. This is one example, of which I would be more than happy to provide work samples; however, I have many more and am always looking for what would be most beneficial to each individual family.


I have always believed that 'if you do not stick to your values when you are being tested, then they are not values; they are hobbies.' Perhaps two of my biggest values could be derived from my two life quotes; 'Better Every Day' and 'Cause No Pain.' The values here are the appreciation for and recognition of GROWTH, and the second being to leave a POSITIVE FOOTPRINT wherever I go. In addition to that, RESPECT, both the giving of it to everyone without judgment as well as earning the respect of others. While I have other values that I live by, these three, in particular, are a relevant representation of me; I am on a neverending journey to learn the GROW in the most holistic way possible, through this process of getting 'Better Every Day' I aim to cause no pain, of any sort, to anyone, radiating as much positivity as possible. Embracing positivity and making it contagious so that everyone feels respected and obliged to reciprocate.

When it comes to my personality, strengths, and work ethic, I wanted to respect the thoughts and words of people in my life. Thus, I asked several co-workers and friends to briefly describe myself in relation to personality, strengths, and work ethic; here is what I received:

"Corey is a very reliable kind of person, kind to friends, family, and strangers as well. He makes people feel that they are being heard. He remembers, listens well, is very educated, and polite. He fights and works for a better place for children. Corey will always help someone in need if he can. He will be very fair at work and likes to make a comfortable and fair place to work." - Jimena Lopez

"Corey is extremely positive, motivated, and hard-working! He has excellent attention to detail, an infectious positive attitude, and is also a lot of fun. He is resourceful, thinks outside the box, has excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and is overall empathetic and supportive. Furthermore, he is reliable, very artistic, and creative, which is hard to find ." - Natalie Diaz

"Corey's positive personal energy and indomitable spirit are among the many constants for which I admire him most. Corey strives, both in his daily life and as a professional educator, to maintain and extract the highest standards of achievement and integrity for himself, his students, and others around him. Whether in a classroom, a nontraditional educational setting, or a typical office, Corey brings a unique level of expertise, excitement, and concerned care to his work. Corey's dedication is unmatched, and he works tirelessly to achieve organizational goals as well as his own professional and personal goals. Corey's loyalty to those in his circle is unequivocally his most notable quality; however, that loyalty does not mean he does not offer honest, constructive, unvarnished developmental feedback when it's needed. If I were to lean into it, Corey's weakness would be his incredible capacity to see the good in almost anyone or any situation.” - Ty Hill

"Corey has a positive, upbeat, and friendly personality. He has a goal-oriented work ethic. Some of his strengths are teamwork, finding the positive in things, and seeing beauty and 'goodness' in everyone." - Gina Castro

While I am beyond humbled and eternally grateful for the amazing people that have been woven into my life, I will forever give my best effort to uphold my values and principles regardless of situational stress and pressure. I will let their words speak, as it seemed a bit boast-y for me to write about how I thought I was; yes, my thoughts are my reality, but how I come across to others may be more relevant for the purpose of this task.


I always try to meet each child, and family, exactly where they are so they get the right kind of care, at the right time, in the right way. Whether caring for a child in crisis, treating complex healthcare conditions, or helping families find the most logical solution/intervention to a situation, I believe in compassionate care. Utilizing consistent positive reinforcement, children and families will grow in mind, body, and spirit.

I believe that children should be treated as children, especially when they violate policies or fail to uphold systems. I believe in always showing empathy and understanding (and in more severe situations, rehabilitation, and redemption for kids), rather than punishment. I will always advocate for fair/equitable treatment and practices that take into consideration a child’s age, developmental level, and lack of decision-making abilities. Given the right interventions and support, no child or behavior is beyond hope. Regardless of a person's background, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factor, I truly believe that everyone deserves the chance to reach their full potential.

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Erin Brennan

Erin Brennan is a Creative Consultant in San Francisco, CA who helps you grow your income + impact by standing out from the competition and connecting with your clients through compelling brand messages and strategic marketing. {Creating Brand Strategy, Brand Management, Business Strategy, and Strategic Marketing Plans, Squarespace Design}

